The boycott of Indian Ocean tuna: this is a very real threat coming from certain British and European supermarkets.
According to studies by several NGOs, such as Green Peace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), stocks have been collapsing since 2015 and the pressure has increased since 2017.
Indian Ocean tuna are endangered and have been placed on the list of endangered species.
They are indiscriminately encircled by the enormous fishing nets called "seines" of the industrial tuna seiners, veritable factory boats 90 metres long!
So what is the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) doing? Well, not much.
In spite of the numerous warnings and alerts issued by the various players in the sector, nothing concrete has been achieved.
And these are not the pretexts linked to the current context of COVID 19, which can exonerate them from taking action to support the sustainability of tuna stocks.
The local fishermen of the Indian Ocean, whose survival depends on it, had already drawn their governments' attention to these issues, but they have turned a deaf ear.
The 40% reduction in orders and their impact on employment led the Mauritian companies Princes and IBL Seafood to appeal to the Mauritian government to take a strong position at the next meeting of the Commission.
The sea is not inexhaustible: catches are decreasing, in number and size, also in other seas and with other fish.
The implementation of quotas is the solution to preserve the future of this sector.
Let us hope that effective measures will finally be decided in 2021 by the regulatory authorities.
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